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Raw Ice Cream

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Vanilla or Chocolate Raw Milk Ice Cream

  • 1 1/2 quarts raw cream
  • 1 1/2 quarts raw whole milk
  • 10 raw eggs (more or less) only from free range healthy hens
  • 1 1/2 cups evaporated cane juice or your own choice of natural sweetener  (I have another recipe that calls for 2/3 cup honey and 3/8 tsp. stevia powder in place of the sugar.  I’m sure you could also experiment with other combinations of sweeteners.)
  • 2 Tablespoons real vanilla

Blend the eggs till frothy.  

Add sugar, cream, milk and vanilla.  

Pour into ice cream freezer and crank away!


For Chocolate:

Mix together the above recipe, using only 4 cups of milk instead of 6 cups.

Soften 1 Tablespoon of Knox gelatin in 1/2 cup milk.  

Heat an additional 2 cups of milk.  

Stir in 7 Tablespoons cocoa powder and gelatin until dissolved.

Blend chocolate mixture into milk, cream, egg mixture.

Refrigerate several hours until chilled.

Pour into ice cream freezer.

Best wishes,
The Farmer's Wife


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