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About Us Farmers - Organic Farming

2015 Family Silhouette

Quick Facts: Our 'healing foods' are all...

  • GMO Free
  • Soy Free
  • Humanely Raised
  • Organically Pastured
  • Artificial Hormone Free
  • Antibiotic Free
  • Grass-fed

Your Family Farmer is a unique, close-knit group of grass-based sustainable family farms. We each have a special vision and talent to nurture healing foods from God’s good earth. We specialize in high-integrity, nutrient-dense, raw, traditional, organic foods from earth, grass and livestock - livestock that are treated with full respect to their design and the plan of their Creator.

Partnering is the beauty of Your Family Farmer's plan.  Our sustainable farmer community works together. We need each other. They benefit from our unique strengths and we from theirs.  In fact, we call this community of farmers a 'sustainable farmer incubator.'  

We think that word picture pretty well describes it.

We work with them and they with us and all of us work for you, the rapidly growing community of smart, awake, food buyers. You who consciously choose to make a difference... Your buying choice gives us and our artisan food partners a chance. You give us a chance to hatch and grow our dream to produce super-healing foods for your family.

Our community of farmers has also been blessed with the skills and organization necessary to set up and maintain a unique local food chain that efficiently delivers these special foods to equally special families. Check out our drop point delivery system (54 locations) and you will understand the intense organization that it takes to make these foods available to you.

Many tell us that our organic raw grass-fed Jersey milk is the best raw milk they have ever tasted. We’ll leave that up to you to decide. We do hope to always exceed your expectations. Actually, you will find all of our food clean, pure and outstanding. If it's not pure, if it's not humanely and conscientiously raised, we won't sell it. That is our commitment to you. 

Even though we pour our complete energy into our organic whole foods dream, we never forget that our efforts would be utterly pointless if you did not value it. So, thank you. You are without a doubt the most important player in this game. Never underestimate the tremendous power of your food choices. You can make a difference! There is strength in grocery shopping!

Working together… and only working together, we can improve our environment, health, quality of life, the quality of our animals' lives, and the social fabric of our communities... one bite at a time.

All the Best of Food and Blessings,

Your Family Farmers


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