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NEW! UPS Home Delivery

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by Edwin Shank, February 15, 2018

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Good evening tribe!

So... We launched a 30 state Family Cow Home Delivery. And it's been a huge success! (Aside from a few broken eggs, but hey... give me a break [pun fully intended] we're learning!)

Delivery Zone Map

So please do us a favor! Forward this email to real, organic, pastured food lovers everywhere. Especially to folks who don't live close to our drop points or who for some reason have difficulty jiving their schedule with our drop points. You have our complete permission to share it any way that you can think of! :)

And... Now we're ready for your order!

If you've tried the system, you know how slick it is and you can order again. If you didn't try it yet... now's your time. We still haven't released the news to our whole tribe yet, but we are getting ready to do that. We refine the process a bit more each week.

Here's a bunch of know-your-farmer stuff that we just added.

Especially check out the "Family Cow Differences." I think you'll like it. :) It might help you convince your friends.

Here are a few reports from our "test drivers."

AMAZING!!!! Everything was perfect! I received my order today (the 6th) the original delivery date was estimated as the 8th but we received it earlier. No eggs or glass were broken. All the meat was still fully frozen. I love this idea and will use it again in the future. It was very hard between work/children schedules for us to make a good drop off location. I am very grateful for the home delivery and hope it continues.

Thank you again,

One Happy Family  :)

~Melissa from Sewickley, PA



My home delivery arrived this morning! I didn't order any eggs, but there was glass, and it was intact. Nothing was leaking. The food was definitely colder than 40 degrees: The thermometer got down to 29 and would have kept going lower. So nothing went wrong, and it was a success! I plan to order more from the home delivery system in the future, as well as use the drop points whenever I'm able to make it out to them.

Thanks for adding this new layer of convenience!

~Monica from West Middlesex, PA



My order shipped the 12th and arrived the 14th at my house is in Sarasota, Florida... Everything was well packed... No glass was broken... The ice packs were still mostly frozen. The daytime temperatures in Florida the past few days have been in the low 80's.

I wanted to mention how happy we are that you have begun home delivery. My family used to live in PA and we shopped at your store regularly. Since moving to Florida, we've really missed the Family Cow foods, so we were thrilled that we were able to order and have your food delivered right to our door. Keep up the good work!

God bless, ~Melissa from Sarasota, Florida


Shipping Schedule

We ship every Monday. So any orders that are placed between now and Saturday midnight, we will ship on Monday. You should receive the food on Tuesday or Wednesday depending on your area.

Here are a few basics:

  • FREE SHIPPING for all orders over $100.
  • Orders under $100 have a $15 flat handling fee. (Small packages are very inefficient to keep cold and end up being costly for both of us.)

UPS Home Delivery


Again, here is the new home delivery site:

Explore it... bookmark it... try it... and let us know your thoughts!


Your Farmers,
Edwin Shank and Family

P.S. You'll notice that raw milk is only available to PA. We don't like this either, but the FDA has our hands tied. If you don't like it... talk to them about it. Best wishes! :)

This essay is an excerpt from the Fresh Thoughts on Real Food newsletter written by your farmers at The Family Cow. If you like this article and would like to receive other similar articles fresh as they’re written, feel free to subscribe here.

FDA Disclosure Statement

We are farmers, not health professionals. If it is a medical opinion you seek, by all means, call a doctor. This information is intended to challenge, or even provoke you to explore beyond the conventional food and health system.

Please Note: Any statements or claims about the possible health benefits conferred by any foods have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Hey... We now offer UPS Home Delivery to 30 states! Check it out. Our tribe is loving it!