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Beef Bone Stock

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If you would like to make your own beef bone broth, this is how I do it:

I use any kind of bones...soup, knuckle, marrow...whatever I have available.  A combination works great, but either kind alone makes good stock.

  • Put the bones in your cooking pot,
  • Cover with water and bring to a boil.
  • Some scum will rise to the top as it begins to boil...skim that off the best you can (Sally Fallon says any impurities would be in that scum).
  • Let it simmer for 12 - 14 hours to get the marrow and all the nutrients out.
  • Remove the bones. Save any bits of meat to add back to your broth.
  • You can freeze the stock in small meal-sized portions. I only add my vegetables, herbs and seasonings when I'm preparing the meal.

~The Farmer's Wife


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