Some want Organic... Some want Raw... Some want Grass Fed... We've got it all!

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Welcome to Your Family Farmer: High Quality Organic Food

Your Family Farmer is your local source of raw milk, raw cheese, pastured poultry, grass-fed beef, woodland pork, garden produce, herbs and more. All of this is delivered to your area of PA. All of our foods are soy-free, GMO-free and grown with respect to the Creator. Some of our foods are certified organic and all are grown with organic principles.

Just imagine...Dream with me a little!

boy with baby peeps

What If...Sourcing Local Food Was Easy?

What if there was a real organic family farm where you could shop online. No need to go to 5 different farms or drag your toddlers through the farmers market lugging your day's purchases. You could order all the hard to find organic stuff, like Soy-free Eggs from truly pastured hens, Chicken and Turkey also pastured and soy-free, Raw Milk straight from zero grain grass-fed Jersey cows, Woodland raised Pork, Homemade Water Kefir, Yogurt and Kombucha all straight from the farmers themselves, yet do it all from the comfort, safety and convenience of your home. Wouldn't that be awesome?

farm dogs on the geo-tracker with 100% grass-fed cows grazing in the pasture

And What If...Your Farm Had Everything?

Not only all the specialties like Raw Milk from 100% Grass-fed Jersey cows but also the more common foods like Unpasteurized Organic Cider, Raw Cheeses of all kinds, Raw Wild Honey, Artisan and Sprouted Grain Bread, Raw Amish-made Sauerkraut and Raw Kimchee, Grass-fed Beef, Home Canned Garden Produce, Homemade Ghee from organic grass-fed cows, Homemade Goat Milk Soap and well... just about everything! Wouldn't that be neat?

boys gathering pastured eggs from soy free pastured hens

What if...It Wasn't a CSA or a Subscription Either?

In your dream farm food source there would be no prepayment. There'd be no minimum purchase. Not even an order obligation or a membership fee. But best of all, your order would be 100% customizable. You'd only get what you order. You would only buy the foods you need when you need them. Done deal.

calves following 100% grass fed cows out to pasture

What If...The Farmers Themselves Would Deliver Your Food?

Your special order would be carefully packed in ice and would be delivered right to your community parking lot… maybe right to your car. So you could really know your farmer, shake his hand and ask him hard questions. Connecting with those who grow your food doesn’t get any better than this!

drop point interactions

But This Is Only A Dream, Right? Local Buying Will Never Be This Easy. Wrong!

Buying local food already is this easy. This dream and even more is already a reality. You are only now waking-up! Good Morning! Join the movement!... We are pleased to have you with us. Welcome to Your Family Farmer!

While we are getting acquainted, please take a moment to explore our food list. We know you will be delighted. And then afterwards please explore the photo gallery to see for yourself how all this goodness is grown.

I'll give you a hint. It is quite simple. We follow the Master's plan. It is all about Him!

Ordering online is easy! Try PA Drop Points or Home Delivery.

drop point in action

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